Speaking directly and without curves, society is not yet human, it is business. Everything revolves around interests and economic-financial, mega-entrepreneurial powers, worth more the patrimony than the own life. Of the people, of the animals, of the plants, of the waters, of the earth, of the air. When society finally reaches the human level, with the necessary cost for this, life and integration with nature that generates it will be in the center of importance, solidarity will not be a virtue, but a tool of work, of existence, as natural as eating or smiling. And you will not see people like trash, thrown in any dirty corner.
From then on, I see how much misery surrounds all the cities, sometimes also ingrained in their valleys and hills, I realize how much this legion excluded from the social benefits, stolen in its basic rights of existence, is necessary in the maintenance of the structure Social. The crowd tightens in the transports to make operate, under intense exploration, the society that oppresses it. Millions that are the foundation, the basis of functioning of all that exists, literally everything, for in all they are the ones that are at the base. From the extraction of raw materials, its transformation, to the delivery of products and services. From beginning to end. And they are also that collects and cleans the discard.
Most are the social foundation, including financing the state through the taxes built into the basic commodities for survival, of general use, forming the tax mass, which is the money that the state collects to pay its mega-expenses. More than half of all that the state collects, more than half of the tax collection, of the tax mass, is paid by the poorest. They are the ones who finance society as a whole, we are all of us. Question - what makes people accept to get crowded in collective transports that take countless hours of their lives, just to take and bring of exploited, low paid jobs, in situations of pressure and humiliation, with little time to live? What produces the acceptance of an empty life of meaning, time passing, from youth to maturity and old age, with death as an end point, often with the clear sense of having lived in vain?
"What good was my life?" I imagined this question in my nineteen years being made to myself, at the end, in my old age, in the moments of the inevitable departure. He looked at the elders, heard what they said about their lives and the impressions they had. Sometimes I would ask myself, tease, to listen. Above all, one was marked in memory, perhaps because it occurred at a key moment in my life and had a direct influence on my attitudes at the time. "I did everything they told me to do, I graduated, I set up my company, I dedicated myself to her ..." his eyes looked back, while he told part of his story, in pieces distant in time. "The feeling I have is that they lied to me, there in the beginning of my life, and I have spent my whole life running after these lies." The pauses for him were memories of the past passing in front of him. To me they were revelations of my intuition, shocking by the unexpected, I was literally in shock. "I'm seen as a successful entrepreneur, a victor ... and in here I feel like a loser, a loser."
This will not happen to me, I would say to myself over and over again. I die before, but I do not reach the age of this guy like that. With this emptiness, with that feeling. There has to be some sense somewhere. And I'll get it. Or I'll find it, or I'll die looking for it. I went straight to the university office and I got disconnected from her, got my school documents and took them to my parents. It was the payment of my "debt."
Total withdrawal, school, family, friends, social class. The ban was complete, reality changed, places and social relations changed and there were no longer any meeting places. And I could see the face of the state where he does not wear masks. There where the strong public service is the police, who already arrive with hatred in the eyes, ready to attack, to humiliate and to kill, washed brains of humanity, drenched in fear and hatred against the "dangerous territories", the peripheries and favelas where live the millions of victims of social crimes, in a situation of stimulus to crime, of hopelessness and abandonment, robbed of their constitutional rights.
A state that does not fulfill its own constitution, especially in the basic human rights of the majority of the population, can be seen as a criminal organization, armed against the people themselves by the elite elite aligned with the interests of world elites, bankers and mega - high-caliber entrepreneurs. The State does not hide its face in the health posts, in the hospitals, in the resources applied in public health. There is everything missing, from doctors to tape, from medicine to ambulances, from gadgets to stretchers and sheets. In any public department of care for the poor, contempt, maltreatment, ill-will is palpable (the counterpoint of well-intentioned, human professionals dedicated to the public service who find all the obstacles to exercise functions, from lack of resources to discrimination, irony, debauchery, persecution by bad officials, very well adapted to a spurious structure that rewards perversity, ambition, selfishness with positions of power and control - a structure bad character that privileges the bad character and persecutes the good ones).
Whether in the area that is, legal, administrative, transport, labor, any. Business interests of large size have priority and speed. To the people, unimportance, theft, lies, wear, exploitation, repression and scorn. It is strategic the deep psychological and ideological formation, in ignorance, in disinformation, in the feeling of inferiority, of impotence, in the acceptance of "reality" as it is, implanting conformation, in the corporate education, antisocial model, and in the massacre of the media -publicitário-ideológico. The exceptions are personal and group merits in punctual actions, isolated and duly ignored by the media, not to give a "bad example" to the overwhelming majority, mediocrized and dominated.
I do not pretend to present solutions, not even paths. I just try to rip the veil covering reality. No institution works sincerely in order to serve the majority of the population, not even in their basic, fundamental, and constitutional human rights. It is necessary to see the state as a farce, for the simple reason that the people are mentally numb, ignorant, superficial, uninformed - or deformed in their world view - impelled by programmed values induced by consumption, by values and conditioned behaviors, the consequence of a deep work of penetration in the society of this informational deformation that is the private media and the criminals of social networks, starting with its owners. It is a criminal activity of deformation of reality, of blatant social control, forming opinions, creating "public enemies" that are, in general, precisely those who propose a less unjust society, that denounce the crimes committed against the population, the environment and life. The media is the voice of social parasites that dominate the social structure from top to bottom. Voice that mainly speaks to the collective unconscious, using deep knowledge of the human mind.
There are many who already see and do not let themselves be carried away. And more and more are coming up, exceptions to the rules of the pack. These are creating ways to live their own way, choosing for themselves and not for social programming, achieving a banned good in the social scheme. In this way, solutions appear in their places, to solve their problems. The more people see that you can not rely on the state and its institutions, at least as long as they are dominated by who they are, more autonomy solutions will emerge. It is an intergenerational work. That comes from where you can not see anymore and goes where you still can not see. I do not see solutions or exits, I see paths forming a collective path. We have walked thousands of millennia, each life is a step in this journey that we see neither beginning nor end and in which we are only a step. May it be a firm and useful step, that I may have the satisfaction of living a good life, for myself and for the world. "
By Eduardo Marinho