Um vídeo interessante está circulando pela Itália e pelo mundo por meio das redes sociais. Fomos acondicionados desde os primórdios para viver de acordo com os impulsos primitivos da nossa própria natureza (o cérebro reptiliano). A "mão obscura" que move essa realidade e tem conduzido a humanidade desde quando ela foi feita, está agindo a todo vapor. Ainda navegamos nas explicações científicas para justificar os fenômenos julgados por nós como "naturais", mas não nos importamos com outras possibilidades de interpretação de nossa própria realidade e das anomalias ocasionais presentes ao redor do mundo. Não estou omitindo a responsabilidade humana para tudo que está acontecendo, mas se prestarmos bastante atenção surtos e casos anômalos fogem da nossa ossada, ou seja, de nossa ação. O vídeo abaixo retrata uma carta do covid-19 para a humanidade, colocando a humanidade como a principal responsável pelo cenário catastrófico mundial.
Inspired by "An Imagined Letter from Covid-19 to Humans" by Kristin Flyntz)
Stop. Simply stop, don't move.
It's not a request. It's an order!
We're here to help you. This supersonic roller coaster has run out of track. No more airplanes, trains, schools, malls, meetings. We broke the frenetic whirlwind of illusions and "obligations" that prevented you from raising your eyes to the sky, looking at the stars, listening to the sea, being lulled by the chirps of birds, rolling in the meadows, picking an apple from a tree, smiling at an animal in the woods, breathing the mountain, listening to common sense.
We had to break it. You can’t replace God. Our obligation is mutual. As it has always been, even though you forgot it.
We will interrupt this transmission, the endless cacophonic transmission of separation and distractions, to bring you this news: We are not well, any of us; we are all suffering.
Last year, the firestorms that burned the lungs of the earth didn’t give you a break. Nor the disintegrating glaciers, nor your sinking cities, nor the knowledge that you are solely responsible for the sixth mass extinction. You didn’t listen to us. It is difficult to listen being so busy, struggling to climb higher and higher on the scaffolding of the comforts you have built.
The foundations are crumbling, they are climbing under the weight of your fictitious desires. We will help you. We’ll carry the firestorms into your body, flood your lungs, isolate you like a polar bear on a drifting iceberg.
Do you hear us now? We are not well. We are not an enemy. We are a mere messenger, we are an ally, we are the force that will restore balance. Now you must listen to us, we are shouting to stop you!
Stop, shut up, listen.
Now lift their eyes to the sky, how is it? There are no more planes, how well do you need to feel to enjoy the oxygen you breathe? Look at a tree, how is it? Look at the ocean, how is it? Look at the rivers, how are they? Look at yourself, how are you? You can’t be healthy in a sick ecosystem.
Many are afraid now. Don't demonize your fear, don't let yourself be dominated.
Let me speak to you, listen to his wisdom. Learn to smile with your eyes.
We’ll help you if you listen.
Um vídeo interessante está circulando pela Itália e pelo mundo por meio das redes sociais. Fomos acondicionados desde os primórdios para viver de acordo com os impulsos primitivos da nossa própria natureza (o cérebro reptiliano). A "mão obscura" que move essa realidade e tem conduzido a humanidade desde quando ela foi feita, está agindo a todo vapor. Ainda navegamos nas explicações científicas para justificar os fenômenos julgados por nós como "naturais", mas não nos importamos com outras possibilidades de interpretação de nossa própria realidade e das anomalias ocasionais presentes ao redor do mundo. Não estou omitindo a responsabilidade humana para tudo que está acontecendo, mas se prestarmos bastante atenção surtos e casos anômalos fogem da nossa ossada, ou seja, de nossa ação. O vídeo abaixo retrata uma carta do covid-19 para a humanidade, colocando a humanidade como a principal responsável pelo cenário catastrófico mundial.
Inspired by "An Imagined Letter from Covid-19 to Humans" by Kristin Flyntz)
Stop. Simply stop, don't move.
It's not a request. It's an order!
We're here to help you. This supersonic roller coaster has run out of track. No more airplanes, trains, schools, malls, meetings. We broke the frenetic whirlwind of illusions and "obligations" that prevented you from raising your eyes to the sky, looking at the stars, listening to the sea, being lulled by the chirps of birds, rolling in the meadows, picking an apple from a tree, smiling at an animal in the woods, breathing the mountain, listening to common sense.
We had to break it. You can’t replace God. Our obligation is mutual. As it has always been, even though you forgot it.
We will interrupt this transmission, the endless cacophonic transmission of separation and distractions, to bring you this news: We are not well, any of us; we are all suffering.
Last year, the firestorms that burned the lungs of the earth didn’t give you a break. Nor the disintegrating glaciers, nor your sinking cities, nor the knowledge that you are solely responsible for the sixth mass extinction. You didn’t listen to us. It is difficult to listen being so busy, struggling to climb higher and higher on the scaffolding of the comforts you have built.
The foundations are crumbling, they are climbing under the weight of your fictitious desires. We will help you. We’ll carry the firestorms into your body, flood your lungs, isolate you like a polar bear on a drifting iceberg.
Do you hear us now? We are not well. We are not an enemy. We are a mere messenger, we are an ally, we are the force that will restore balance. Now you must listen to us, we are shouting to stop you!
Stop, shut up, listen.
Now lift their eyes to the sky, how is it? There are no more planes, how well do you need to feel to enjoy the oxygen you breathe? Look at a tree, how is it? Look at the ocean, how is it? Look at the rivers, how are they? Look at yourself, how are you? You can’t be healthy in a sick ecosystem.
Many are afraid now. Don't demonize your fear, don't let yourself be dominated.
Let me speak to you, listen to his wisdom. Learn to smile with your eyes.
We’ll help you if you listen.
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